
Hello and Welcome!

Hey there! I’m Jen, a homeschooling mom and professor and an all-around lover of coffee and Disney magic! If you also:

  • have children or step-children
  • love reading and learning
  • homeschool
  • love traveling

We are likely to become terrific friends. If that’s the case, I hope you stick around to hear my personal insights and helpful trips that I love sharing with my friends about education, motherhood, and literacy.

There is one thing to remember, though. If you want to get to know me, I won’t hold back from giving my opinion, sharing about my past, or sharing hard truths. I’m not your stereotypical homeschool mom.

My past experiences in life have carried me to a place of peace, happiness, and a willingness to share what I’ve learned with all of you. So, if you are willing to listen, learn about me, and how I’ve come to accept the things around me, we will get REAL.